The vegan lifestyle has exploded in the Mother City over the last couple of years, as people are discovering the benefits of foregoing meat, dairy and eggs in favour of veggie burgers, tofu scramble, smoothie bowls and cashew-nut cheese. This October, Vegilicious hosted their third annual Cape Town Vegan Challenge, encouraging citizens to eat plant-based for one month.
Seems impossible? Vegilicious really did make it fun and as easy as (vegan) pie with over 1000 participants and 20 festive food-centered events planned from a vegan cheese and wine, to cooking demonstrations, film screenings, dinners at Cape Town’s top restaurants, and even a vegan braai!
People from all walks of life joined this years challenge, vegan or not, they experienced a fun and easy way to challenge some societal “norms” establishing new ways of thinking about food, how it affects our bodies and our planet.
We decided to join them last Sunday, and celebrate with a pasta salad or two at this years vegan braai (after all, what is a braai without a good old fashioned pasta salad!?) at Pinelands Athletic Club. The turn out was amazing, it really is incredible to see how more and more people are thinking about how what we eat affects our planet. Most braai goers, were in fact not vegan but openly spoke about their concerns for the worlds consumption patterns and how we are all affected everyday.
Needless to say, we had loads of fun and the food! Absolutely delicious! Never mind, totally cruelty-free and sustainable.
Cape Town Vegan Challenge is a great way to begin to eat and live more consciously. It’s also absolutely free, and there’s also a how-to-guide that syncs with your social calendar.
How great is that?!
The Cape Town Vegan Challenge has changed the lives of many Capetonians and also made Cape Town a more sustainable city.
Check out what went down on the day as well as some delicious vegan braai ideas for your next braai day.


For more information about the challenge, delicious vegan recipes and a list of events happening in and around Cape Town, visit and join the conversation on Facebook and Instagram