Category Archives: News

Happy Earth People Cookies hit Pick n Pay shelves: Grab them now!

As I sat at the kitchen table blissfully unaware enjoying a cookie filled with sugar,

Resetting the Narrative For a Greener Future

In these challenging times for the world, it is more important than ever to work

What We Can Do To Celebrate Women

The 1000 Women 1 Voice Trust in partnership with Pick ‘n Pay have provided business

Why Soil Matters?

A healthy living soil sustains biodiversity, protects and nourishes crops and contributes to climate change

Why Shop When You Can Swop?

According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the fashion industry is the second

Pesto Chickpea & Broccoli Pasta by Rooted Natural

Parenting in today’s modern world can be overwhelming, the increased demands on one’s time and energy,

Journey into Motherhood

Written by Taleszia Raubenheimer My beautiful daughter, Ray Kyra, was born on the 7th of

10 Health & Wellness Trends To Watch In 2021

Putting an end to 2020 feels cathartic. This year has put an unprecedented strain on

Unearthing the science between soil and gut health

Written by Mark Driscoll It was the American poet, novelist, and environmentalist Wendell Berry who

Butter(nut) Chickpea Pasta

This recipe reminds me so much of my childhood. The aromatic aromas escaping from the