Gluten free bread

Super easy gluten-free bread

by Michaella and Lindsay

I know many food fads come and go and it’s easy to think that gluten-free is just another one of them. I thought so too and didn’t realise I was gluten intolerant until about a year ago.

I used to think that bloating after eating bread and regular pasta was normal – it’s just a food-baby, right? But then the bloating progressed to itchy rashes and nausea – not fun. Switching to gluten-free takes some adjustment at first but after a while, swops become easier and easier and having gluten-free pasta options from Happy Earth People certainly helps!

One of the other things I missed, however, was bread! Maybe you can relate. After much trial and error, I’ve found a great gluten-free recipe that actually works at home – and the best part is it can be adapted depending on what flours you happen to have at the time. Although not strictly vegan, you can substitute the milk and eggs for vegan alternatives.


• Gluten-free Flour **
• 1 cup warm milk (about 40ºC) of choice (nut milk, fresh coconut milk or raw
goat or cow’s milk)
• 1/4 cup coconut sugar
• 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast
• 1 tsp salt
• 1/4 cup butter or ghee melted and cooled
• 2 large eggs


  1. Combine flour, coconut sugar, yeast and salt.
  2. Combine milk, butter & eggs in a separate bowl.
  3. Make a well in the middle of the dry mix and slowly add the wet mix, combining as you go.
  4. Knead dough (the more you knead the lighter the bread)
  5. Let proof for about 30 minutes
  6. Bake until crisp brown, about 30-40 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

If you want to make your own, try experimenting with different types of flours like rice, chickpea, pea and potato flours. You can usually find these alternative flours at your local spice shop.


About the authors:

We’re Michaella and Lindsay. Just two young creatives who love to eat good food that’s good for our beautiful planet too.

After spending time overseas, we were inspired by all of the wonderful, conscious cafes dedicated to sustainability that lined the streets of Europe.  One of our favorite places to find the best cafes and eat wholesome, nourishing food is in a little city in  The Netherlands called Haarlem.

Why we care about sustainability:

We got our inspiration for Green Seeker from spending time in these eateries and cafes that exposed us to the movement towards sustainability. Eating consciously is a way of life for the Dutch. We wanted to bring this philosophy back with us and help people just like ourselves to find sustainable places to get lunch, dinner, grab a coffee or a sweet treat.

We came together to build Green Seeker for those fellow green seekers who find joy in eating, spending time and money at eateries who share their eco-values. This site is built on the simple idea that if we expose and promote sustainable businesses, the easier it will be for consumers like us to make better decisions

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